tinyms.model 源代码

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from mindspore import Model as _Model
from mindspore.train.serialization import load_checkpoint as _load_checkpoint, \
    save_checkpoint as _save_checkpoint, export as _export

from .lenet5 import lenet5, LeNet
from .resnet50 import resnet50, ResNet
from .mobilenetv2 import mobilenetv2, mobilenetv2_infer, MobileNetV2
from .ssd300 import ssd300_mobilenetv2, ssd300_infer, SSD300
from .cycle_gan.cycle_gan import cycle_gan, cycle_gan_infer

__all__ = [
    'lenet5', 'LeNet',
    'resnet50', 'ResNet',
    'mobilenetv2', 'mobilenetv2_infer', 'MobileNetV2',
    'ssd300_mobilenetv2', 'ssd300_infer', 'SSD300',
    'cycle_gan', 'cycle_gan_infer',

[文档]class Model(_Model): """ High-Level API for Training or Evaluation. `Model` groups layers into an object with training and inference features. Args: network (layers.Layer): A training or testing network. Examples: >>> from tinyms.model import Model, lenet5 >>> form tinyms.losses import SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits >>> from tinyms.optimizers import Momentum >>> >>> net = lenet5(class_num=10) >>> model = Model(net) >>> net_loss = SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits() >>> net_opt = Momentum(params=net.trainable_params(), learning_rate=0.1, momentum=0.9) >>> model.compile(loss_fn=net_loss, optimizer=net_opt, metrics=None) >>> # For details about how to build the dataset, please refer to the API document on the official website. >>> ds_train = create_custom_dataset() >>> model.train(2, ds_train) """ def __init__(self, network): super(Model, self).__init__(network)
[文档] def compile(self, loss_fn=None, optimizer=None, metrics=None, eval_network=None, amp_level="O0", **kwargs): """ High-Level API for configure the train or eval network. Args: loss_fn (layers.Layer): Objective function, if loss_fn is None, the network should contain the logic of loss and grads calculation, and the logic of parallel if needed. Default: None. optimizer (layers.Layer): Optimizer for updating the weights. Default: None. metrics (Union[dict, set]): A Dictionary or a set of metrics to be evaluated by the model during training and testing. eg: {'accuracy', 'recall'}. Default: None. eval_network (layers.Layer): Network for evaluation. If not defined, `network` and `loss_fn` would be wrapped as `eval_network`. Default: None. amp_level (str): Option for argument `level` in `mindspore.amp.build_train_network`, level for mixed precision training. Supports ["O0", "O2", "O3", "auto"]. Default: "O0". - O0: Do not change. - O2: Cast network to float16, keep batchnorm run in float32, using dynamic loss scale. - O3: Cast network to float16, with additional property 'keep_batchnorm_fp32=False'. - auto: Set to level to recommended level in different devices. Set level to O2 on GPU, Set level to O3 Ascend. The recommended level is choose by the export experience, cannot always generalize. User should specify the level for special network. O2 is recommended on `GPU`, O3 is recommended on `Ascend`. """ # configure the train network self._loss_fn = loss_fn self._optimizer = optimizer self._amp_level = amp_level self._check_kwargs(kwargs) self._process_amp_args(kwargs) self._train_network = self._build_train_network() # configure the eval network self._build_eval_network(metrics, eval_network=eval_network, eval_indexes=None) # configure the predict network self._build_predict_network()
[文档] def load_checkpoint(self, ckpt_file_name, strict_load=False): """ Loads checkpoint info from a specified file. Args: ckpt_file_name (str): Checkpoint file name. strict_load (bool): Whether to strict load the parameter into net. If False, it will load parameter in the param_dict into net with the same suffix. Default: False. Returns: Dict, key is parameter name, value is a Parameter. Raises: ValueError: Checkpoint file is incorrect. Examples: >>> ckpt_file_name = "./checkpoint/LeNet5-1_32.ckpt" >>> param_dict = model.load_checkpoint(ckpt_file_name) """ return _load_checkpoint(ckpt_file_name, net=self._network, strict_load=strict_load)
[文档] def save_checkpoint(self, ckpt_file_name): """ Saves checkpoint info to a specified file. Args: ckpt_file_name (str): Checkpoint file name. If the file name already exists, it will be overwritten. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter save_obj is not layers.Layer or list type. """ return _save_checkpoint(self._network, ckpt_file_name)
[文档] def export(self, *inputs, file_name, file_format='MINDIR', **kwargs): """ Export the TinyMS prediction model to a file in the specified format. Args: inputs (Tensor): Inputs of the `net`. file_name (str): File name of the model to be exported. file_name (str): File name of the model to be exported. file_format (str): MindSpore currently supports `AIR`, `ONNX` and `MINDIR` format for exported model. Default: MINDIR. - AIR: Ascend Intermediate Representation. An intermediate representation format of Ascend model. Recommended suffix for output file is '.air'. - ONNX: Open Neural Network eXchange. An open format built to represent machine learning models. Recommended suffix for output file is '.onnx'. - MINDIR: MindSpore Native Intermediate Representation for Anf. An intermediate representation format for MindSpore models. Recommended suffix for output file is '.mindir'. kwargs (dict): Configuration options dictionary. - quant_mode: The mode of quant. - mean: Input data mean. Default: 127.5. - std_dev: Input data variance. Default: 127.5. """ return _export(self._network, inputs, file_name, file_format=file_format, **kwargs)