Install TinyMS

Installation For Beginners


For users who own a clean environment, it is recommended to use pypi to install TinyMS given that the following requirements are meet. For those who don’t, Anaconda is a good choice for setting up the python environment.


  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04 or Windows 10

  • Python: 3.7.5

For China based users it is recommended to run the following command lines to help with faster download

mkdir -pv /root/.pip \
&& echo "[global]" > /root/.pip/pip.conf \
&& echo "" >> /root/.pip/pip.conf \
&& echo "index-url=" >> /root/.pip/pip.conf
pip install tinyms==0.1.0


For those who don’t want to affect the local develop environment due to difficulty of meeting the prerequisites, using docker to install is recommended

  • docker: v18.06.1-ce

If user wants to try the tutorials that are written in .ipynb files,please pull jupyter version of TinyMS in which jupyter components are installed by default

  • Default version

docker pull tinyms/tinyms:0.1.0
  • Jupyter version

If user wants to try jupyter, run the following command line

docker pull tinyms/tinyms:0.1.0-jupyter
docker run -it --net=host tinyms/tinyms:0.1.0-jupyter

Open a browser on the local machine, type in


Example:, the default password is tinyms,then user can log in to jupyter

Installation For Experienced Developers

For developers who want to develop based on TinyMS, install from source

sudo apt-get install -y libssl-dev
git clone
cd tinyms
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Validate installation

Create a python or jupyter kernel, input the following codes

import tinyms as ts
from tinyms.primitives import tensor_add

x = ts.ones([2, 3])
y = ts.ones([2, 3])
print(tensor_add(x, y))

If the output is similar to below, then the installation is valid

[[2. 2. 2.]
 [2. 2. 2.]]