Source code for tinyms.losses

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Losses module. Loss function in machine learning is the target of the model.
It shows how well the model works on a dataset and the optimization target
which the optimizer is searching.
from mindspore.nn import loss
from mindspore.nn.loss import *
from mindspore.nn.loss.loss import _Loss
import tinyms as ts
from . import layers, primitives as P, Tensor
from .model import SSD300

__all__ = [

class SigmoidFocalClassificationLoss(layers.Layer):
    Sigmoid focal-loss for classification.

        gamma (float): Hyper-parameter to balance the easy and hard examples. Default: 2.0
        alpha (float): Hyper-parameter to balance the positive and negative example. Default: 0.25

        Tensor, the focal loss.

    def __init__(self, gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25):
        super(SigmoidFocalClassificationLoss, self).__init__()
        self.sigmiod_cross_entropy = P.SigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogits()
        self.sigmoid = P.Sigmoid()
        self.pow = P.Pow()
        self.onehot = P.OneHot()
        self.on_value = Tensor(1.0, ts.float32)
        self.off_value = Tensor(0.0, ts.float32)
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.alpha = alpha

    def construct(self, logits, label):
        label = self.onehot(label, P.shape(logits)[-1], self.on_value, self.off_value)
        sigmiod_cross_entropy = self.sigmiod_cross_entropy(logits, label)
        sigmoid = self.sigmoid(logits)
        label = P.cast(label, ts.float32)
        p_t = label * sigmoid + (1 - label) * (1 - sigmoid)
        modulating_factor = self.pow(1 - p_t, self.gamma)
        alpha_weight_factor = label * self.alpha + (1 - label) * (1 - self.alpha)
        focal_loss = modulating_factor * alpha_weight_factor * sigmiod_cross_entropy
        return focal_loss

[docs]class SSD300WithLoss(layers.Layer): r""" Provide SSD300 training loss through network. Args: network (layers.Layer): The training network. Returns: Tensor, the loss of the network. Examples: >>> from tinyms.model import ssd300 >>> from tinyms.losses import SSD300WithLoss >>> >>> net = SSD300WithLoss(ssd300()) """ def __init__(self, network): super(SSD300WithLoss, self).__init__() = network self.less = P.Less() self.tile = P.Tile() self.reduce_sum = P.ReduceSum() self.reduce_mean = P.ReduceMean() self.expand_dims = P.ExpandDims() self.class_loss = SigmoidFocalClassificationLoss(2.0, 0.75) self.loc_loss = SmoothL1Loss() def construct(self, x, gt_loc, gt_label, num_matched_boxes): pred_loc, pred_label = mask = P.cast(self.less(0, gt_label), ts.float32) num_matched_boxes = self.reduce_sum(P.cast(num_matched_boxes, ts.float32)) # Localization Loss mask_loc = self.tile(self.expand_dims(mask, -1), (1, 1, 4)) smooth_l1 = self.loc_loss(pred_loc, gt_loc) * mask_loc loss_loc = self.reduce_sum(self.reduce_mean(smooth_l1, -1), -1) # Classification Loss loss_cls = self.class_loss(pred_label, gt_label) loss_cls = self.reduce_sum(loss_cls, (1, 2)) return self.reduce_sum((loss_cls + loss_loc) / num_matched_boxes)
[docs]def net_with_loss(net): r''' This function is provided for AI beginners who are not familiar with which loss should be chosen for the network to be trained. Instead of choosing different loss function, users could directly get the best suitable loss function by specifying network. Args: net (layers.Layer): The instance of network to be trained. Raises: TypeError: When network type is not supported. Note: Currently this function only supports few networks, if the network type is not supported, the system would raise TypeError exception. Examples: >>> from tinyms.model import ssd300 >>> from tinyms.losses import net_with_loss >>> >>> net = ssd300() >>> net_loss = net_with_loss(net) ''' if not isinstance(net, layers.Layer): raise TypeError("Input should be inheritted from layers.Layer!") if isinstance(net, SSD300): return SSD300WithLoss(net) else: raise TypeError("Input should be in [SSD300], got {}.".format(type(net)))
[docs]class CrossEntropyWithLabelSmooth(_Loss): """ CrossEntropyWith LabelSmooth. Args: smooth_factor (float): Smooth factor. Default is 0. num_classes (int): Number of classes. Default is 1000. Returns: None. Examples: >>> CrossEntropyWithLabelSmooth(smooth_factor=0., num_classes=1000) """ def __init__(self, smooth_factor=0., num_classes=1000): super(CrossEntropyWithLabelSmooth, self).__init__() self.onehot = P.OneHot() self.on_value = Tensor(1.0 - smooth_factor, ts.float32) self.off_value = Tensor(1.0 * smooth_factor / (num_classes - 1), ts.float32) self.ce = SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits() self.mean = P.ReduceMean(False) self.cast = P.Cast() def construct(self, logit, label): one_hot_label = self.onehot(self.cast(label, ts.int32), P.shape(logit)[1], self.on_value, self.off_value) out_loss = self.ce(logit, one_hot_label) out_loss = self.mean(out_loss, 0) return out_loss
class GANLoss(_Loss): """ Cycle GAN loss factory. Args: mode (str): The type of GAN objective. It currently supports 'vanilla', 'lsgan'. Default: 'lsgan'. reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to be applied to the output. Its value must be one of 'none', 'mean', 'sum'. Default: 'mean'. Outputs: Tensor or Scalar, if `reduction` is 'none', then output is a tensor and has the same shape as `inputs`. Otherwise, the output is a scalar. Raises: NotImplementedError: Raised when GANLoss mode not recognized. """ def __init__(self, mode="lsgan", reduction='mean'): super(GANLoss, self).__init__() self.loss = None self.ones = P.OnesLike() if mode == "lsgan": self.loss = loss.MSELoss(reduction) elif mode == "vanilla": self.loss = BCEWithLogits(reduction) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'GANLoss {mode} not recognized, we support lsgan and vanilla.') def construct(self, predict, target): target = P.cast(target, P.dtype(predict)) target = self.ones(predict) * target loss = self.loss(predict, target) return loss
[docs]class CycleGANGeneratorLoss(_Loss): """ Cycle GAN generator loss. Args: generator (layers.Layer): Generator of CycleGAN. D_A (layers.Layer): The discriminator network of domain A to domain B. D_B (layers.Layer): The discriminator network of domain B to domain A. Outputs: Tuple Tensor, the losses of generator. """ def __init__(self, generator, D_A, D_B): super(CycleGANGeneratorLoss, self).__init__() self.lambda_A = 10.0 self.lambda_B = 10.0 self.lambda_idt = 0.5 self.use_identity = True self.dis_loss = GANLoss("lsgan") self.rec_loss = loss.L1Loss("mean") self.generator = generator self.D_A = D_A self.D_B = D_B self.true = Tensor(True, ts.bool_)
[docs] def construct(self, img_A, img_B): """If use_identity, identity loss will be used.""" fake_A, fake_B, rec_A, rec_B, identity_A, identity_B = self.generator(img_A, img_B) loss_G_A = self.dis_loss(self.D_B(fake_B), self.true) loss_G_B = self.dis_loss(self.D_A(fake_A), self.true) loss_C_A = self.rec_loss(rec_A, img_A) * self.lambda_A loss_C_B = self.rec_loss(rec_B, img_B) * self.lambda_B if self.use_identity: loss_idt_A = self.rec_loss(identity_A, img_A) * self.lambda_A * self.lambda_idt loss_idt_B = self.rec_loss(identity_B, img_B) * self.lambda_B * self.lambda_idt else: loss_idt_A = 0 loss_idt_B = 0 loss_G = loss_G_A + loss_G_B + loss_C_A + loss_C_B + loss_idt_A + loss_idt_B return (fake_A, fake_B, loss_G, loss_G_A, loss_G_B, loss_C_A, loss_C_B, loss_idt_A, loss_idt_B)
[docs]class CycleGANDiscriminatorLoss(_Loss): """ Cycle GAN discriminator loss. Args: D_A (layers.Layer): The discriminator network of domain A to domain B. D_B (layers.Layer): The discriminator network of domain B to domain A. reduction (str): The discriminator network of reduction. Default: none. Outputs: the loss of discriminator. """ def __init__(self, D_A, D_B, reduction='none'): super(CycleGANDiscriminatorLoss, self).__init__() self.D_A = D_A self.D_B = D_B self.false = Tensor(False, ts.bool_) self.true = Tensor(True, ts.bool_) self.dis_loss = GANLoss("lsgan") self.rec_loss = loss.L1Loss("mean") self.reduction = reduction def construct(self, img_A, img_B, fake_A, fake_B): D_fake_A = self.D_A(fake_A) D_img_A = self.D_A(img_A) D_fake_B = self.D_B(fake_B) D_img_B = self.D_B(img_B) loss_D_A = self.dis_loss(D_fake_A, self.false) + self.dis_loss(D_img_A, self.true) loss_D_B = self.dis_loss(D_fake_B, self.false) + self.dis_loss(D_img_B, self.true) loss_D = (loss_D_A + loss_D_B) * 0.5 return loss_D