Install TinyMS

Installation For Beginners


For users who own a clean environment, it is recommended to use pypi to install TinyMS given that the following requirements are meet. For those who don’t, Anaconda is a good choice for setting up the python environment.


  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04 or Windows 10

  • Python: 3.7.5

For China based users it is recommended to run the following command lines to help with faster download

mkdir -pv /root/.pip \
&& echo "[global]" > /root/.pip/pip.conf \
&& echo "" >> /root/.pip/pip.conf \
&& echo "index-url=" >> /root/.pip/pip.conf
pip install tinyms==0.3.1

Note: There may be some problems during the installation process. The following possible situations are for reference only. If you encounter other problems during the installation process, we welcome you to submit your issues and pull requests in our community, and we will reply you as soon as possible.

  1. Error 1: If you use the mirror source to execute the installation command, it may report Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tinyms==0.3.1


    • You can try to use the default official source, directly append -i at the end, the download speed of the default official source may be slower, please be patient :smile:

  2. Error 2: If you are a windows user, please make sure that Microsoft VC++ 14.0 is installed. If not, it may reportERROR: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with “Microsoft C++ Build Tools” may be reported during the installation process. :


    • Because TinyMS is dependent on the Python3.7.5 environment, and Python3 is compiled with VC++ 14.0. According to the error prompt, download Microsoft C++ Build Tools at the provided link . Note that during the installation process, the two components windows 10 SDK and C++ CMake Tools for Windows need to be checked in Desktop Development Module Using C++ Desktop. For installation details, please refer to Visual Studio Build Tool Installation.


For those who don’t want to affect the local develop environment due to difficulty of meeting the prerequisites, using docker to install is recommended

  • docker: v18.06.1-ce

If user wants to try the tutorials that are written in .ipynb files,please pull jupyter version of TinyMS in which jupyter components are installed by default

If user wants to experience the image inference service in a visual WEB UI,please pull nginx version of TinyMS in which nginx components are installed by default

  • Default version

docker pull tinyms/tinyms:0.3.1
docker run -it tinyms/tinyms:0.3.1
  • Jupyter version

If user wants to try jupyter, run the following command line

docker pull tinyms/tinyms:0.3.1-jupyter
docker run -it --net=host tinyms/tinyms:0.3.1-jupyter

Open a browser on the local machine, type in


Example:, the default password is tinyms,then user can log in to jupyter

  • Nginx version

If user wants to experience the image inference service in a visual WEB UI, run the following command line

docker pull tinyms/tinyms:0.3.1-nginx
docker run -itd --name=tinyms-nginx -p 80:80 tinyms/tinyms:0.3.1-nginx /bin/bash

docker exec -it tinyms-nginx /bin/bash <Your_host_public_IP_address_not_docker_IP_address>

Open a browser on the local machine, type in


Installation For Experienced Developers

For developers who want to develop based on TinyMS, install from source

sudo apt-get install -y libssl-dev
git clone
cd tinyms
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Validate installation

Create a python, jupyter or nginx kernel, input the following codes

import tinyms as ts
from tinyms.primitives import tensor_add

x = ts.ones([2, 3])
y = ts.ones([2, 3])
print(tensor_add(x, y))

If the output is similar to below, then the installation is valid

[[2. 2. 2.]
 [2. 2. 2.]]


When we use TinyMS 0.3.1, the following error may be reported

Error Details:

[ERROR] ME(24148:23792,MainProcess):2022-01-25-21:59:25.562.448 [mindspore\_extends\parse\] When eval 'P.tensor_add(identity, x)' by using Fallback feature, an error occurred: name 'identity' is not defined. You can try to turn off the Fallback feature by 'export MS_DEV_ENABLE_FALLBACK=0'.


According to the error prompt, we can turn off the Fallback feature with the following command.

For general users, execute the following commands in the command line tool:


For users using jupyter, execute the following command in the cell:


If you report other error while using TinyMS 0.3.1, after you try to solve the error, there is still a problem, we welcome you to submit your issues and pull requests in our community, and we will reply you as soon as possible.