TinyMS Reasoning Visualization Experience

Combined with OpenCV image vision library, TinyMS V0.3.1 focus visualization features. Through simple and intuitive image visualization, it helps users to understand the effect of model reasoning more quickly.

For users who do not want to write code, TinyMS provides a visual interface of WEB UI. Users only need to upload the image to be inferred on the browser page to experience easily. Currently, it supports for LeNet5, CycleGan and SSD300 models.

WEB UI reasoning visualization

Users need to deploy the visual server first, details please see TinyMS Nginx Verion Installation. After the server is successfully deployed, the home page and reasoning effect page (taking CycleGan model as an example) presented by the browser are as follows:

../_images/tinyms_web_index.jpgIndex Page

../_images/tinyms_web_reasoning.jpgPredict Page

For users who want to run code, TinyMS provides model reasoning visualization module, which only needs 5 step code to experience quickly. Currently, it only supports SSD300 object detection model.

Model reasoning visualization module application

If users need to experience the model reasoning visualization module application for the first time, they can download code from TinyMS Official Repo, then do the following operations:

  • Static image detection

  1. Environmental preparation

    • An operating system with a visual desktop, such as Window_x64 or Ubuntu18.04

  2. Experience the module application

    # Download the TinyMS project
    git clone https://github.com/tinyms-ai/tinyms.git
    cd tinyms/tests/st/app/object_detection/
    # Run static image detection
    python opencv_image_app.py

    The image to be detected and the image after inference are shown as follows:

    ../_images/tinyms_visulization_origin.jpgInput Image

    ../_images/tinyms_visulization_reasoning.jpgReasoning Image

  • Real-time dynamic detection of video images collected by computer camera

  1. Environmental preparation:

    • An operating system with a visual desktop, such as Window_x64 or Ubuntu18.04

    • Make sure the operating system can access the camera normally


      Generally speaking, for the operating system under the host, such as Window_x64 and Ubuntu 18.04, the camera can be accessed normally, but for the operating system under the virtual machine, please make sure that the relevant virtual machine services are enabled and the camera driver is connected. Following, we take the virtual machine VMware Workstation under the window as an example:

      1. First of all, we enter the command ls /dev/v* in the terminal to check whether there is a /dev/video0 driver. If there is, it means it is normal, please ignore the following operations, if not, we will perform the following operations.

      2. Secondly, enable the relevant virtual machine services. enable the service VMware USB Arbitration Service in the windows host, that is, enter services.msc on the keyboard Win+R to find the corresponding service and enable it. After it is turned on, the virtual machine needs to be restarted.

      3. Then, connect the camera driver. On the menu bar of VMware Workstation, click Virtual Machine (M) => Removable Device => Camera Name => Host Connection, and click Virtual Machine (M) =>Settings(S)=>USB, select USB3.0.

      4. Finally, You can use cheese to test whether the camera can be accessed normally.

  2. Experience the module application

    For the different choices for operating systems and different choices for testing methods, we provide the following specific environment experiences, please verify in the corresponding environment, note that the following environments have all satisfy the two conditions for environmental preparation, which is very important.

    • If your host operating system is windows

      • If you test on the host

        Environmental Requirements:

        • Operating system:Window_64

        • Environmental dependency: Git + Python 3. 7.5 + TinyMS 0.3.1 + Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater

        • Command line tool:Git Bash

          Note: For details about the environment dependency of VC++ 14.0, please refer to the notes under Pypi install TinyMS

        Execute the following commands after the environment requirements are satisfied:

        # 1.Download the TinyMS project in the container
        git clone https://github.com/tinyms-ai/tinyms.git
        cd tinyms/tests/st/app/object_detection/
        # 2.Run dynamic video image detection collected by camera
        python opencv_camera_app.py
      • If you test on a virtual machine

        Let’s take the virtual machine VMware Workstation under Window_x64 as an example. Please refer to the notes in the environment preparation for VM connection to the camera:

        Environmental Requirements:

        • Operating system:Ubuntu18.04 LTS Desktop

        • Environmental dependency: Docker 18.06.1-ce

        • Command line tool:Terminal

        Execute the following commands after the environment requirements are satisfied:

        # 1.Install xServer on the host and set permissions
        apt install x11-xserver-utils
        # 2.Allow all users to access the display interface
        xhost +
        # 3.Run container
        docker run -it --rm --device=/dev/video0 -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix tinyms/tinyms:0.3.1 /bin/bash
        # 4.Download the TinyMS project in the container
        git clone https://github.com/tinyms-ai/tinyms.git
        cd tinyms/tests/st/app/object_detection/
        # 5.Run dynamic video image detection collected by camera
        python opencv_camera_app.py
    • If your host operating system is ubuntu

      • If you test on the host

        Environmental Requirements:

        • Operating system:Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop

        • Environmental dependency: Git + Python 3. 7.5 + TinyMS 0.3.1

        • Command line tool:Terminal

        Execute the following commands after the environment requirements are satisfied:

        # 1.Download the TinyMS project in the container
        git clone https://github.com/tinyms-ai/tinyms.git
        cd tinyms/tests/st/app/object_detection/
        # 2.Run dynamic video image detection collected by camera
        python opencv_camera_app.py
      • If you use docker access

        Environmental Requirements:

        • Operating system:Ubuntu18.04 LTS Desktop

        • Environmental dependency: Docker 18.06.1-ce

        • Command line tool:Terminal

        Execute the following commands after the environment requirements are satisfied:

        # 1.Install xServer on the host and set permissions
        apt install x11-xserver-utils
        # 2.Allow all users to access the display interface
        xhost +
        # 3.Run container
        docker run -it --rm --device=/dev/video0 -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix tinyms/tinyms:0.3.1 /bin/bash
        # 4.Download the TinyMS project in the container
        git clone https://github.com/tinyms-ai/tinyms.git
        cd tinyms/tests/st/app/object_detection/
        # 5.Run dynamic video image detection collected by camera
        python opencv_camera_app.py

    Currently, the document is still being improved:smile:. If your environment is not in the above reference, after you try it, you still have problems, we sincerely invite you to submit your issues and pull requests in our community, and we will reply you as soon as possible.