Source code for

# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ============================================================================
Introduction to data/loader:

data/loader supports various formats of datasets, including ImageNet, TFData,
MNIST, Cifar10/100, Manifest, MindRecord, etc. This module could load data in
high performance and parse data precisely. It also provides the following
operations for users to preprocess data: shuffle, batch, repeat, map, and zip.
import os
import random
import numpy as np
import math
import gensim
import codecs
import collections
import pickle

from itertools import chain
from tqdm import tqdm

from mindspore.dataset import engine
from mindspore.dataset.engine import *
from mindspore.mindrecord import FileWriter
from .utils import generate_image_list, load_img

common_dataset = ['UnalignedDataset', 'GanImageFolderDataset', 'ImdbDataset', 'BertDataset',
common_sampler = ['DistributedSampler']

__all__ = common_dataset + common_sampler


[docs]class UnalignedDataset: """ This dataset class can load unaligned/unpaired datasets. Args: dataset_path (str): The path of images (should have subfolders trainA, trainB, testA, testB, etc). phase (str): Train or test. It requires two directories in dataset_path, like trainA and trainB to. host training images from domain A '{dataset_path}/trainA' and from domain B '{dataset_path}/trainB' respectively. max_dataset_size (int): Maximum number of return image paths. Returns: Two domain image path list. """ def __init__(self, dataset_path, phase, max_dataset_size=float("inf"), shuffle=True): self.dir_A = os.path.join(dataset_path, phase + 'A') self.dir_B = os.path.join(dataset_path, phase + 'B') self.A_paths = sorted(generate_image_list(self.dir_A, max_dataset_size)) # load images from '/path/to/data/trainA' self.B_paths = sorted(generate_image_list(self.dir_B, max_dataset_size)) # load images from '/path/to/data/trainB' self.A_size = len(self.A_paths) # get the size of dataset A self.B_size = len(self.B_paths) # get the size of dataset B self.shuffle = shuffle def __getitem__(self, index): index_B = index % self.B_size if index % max(self.A_size, self.B_size) == 0 and self.shuffle: random.shuffle(self.A_paths) index_B = random.randint(0, self.B_size - 1) A_path = self.A_paths[index % self.A_size] B_path = self.B_paths[index_B] A_img = np.array(load_img(A_path)) B_img = np.array(load_img(B_path)) return A_img, B_img def __len__(self): return max(self.A_size, self.B_size)
[docs]class GanImageFolderDataset: """ This dataset class can load images from image folder. Args: dataset_path (str): '{dataset_path}/testA', '{dataset_path}/testB', etc. max_dataset_size (int): Maximum number of return image paths. Returns: Image path list. """ def __init__(self, dataset_path, max_dataset_size=float("inf")): self.dataset_path = dataset_path self.paths = sorted(generate_image_list(dataset_path, max_dataset_size)) self.size = len(self.paths) def __getitem__(self, index): img_path = self.paths[index % self.size] img = np.array(load_img(img_path)) return img, os.path.split(img_path)[1] def __len__(self): return self.size
[docs]class BertDataset: """ This dataset class can load bert from data folder. Args: data_dir (str): '{data_dir}/result1.tfrecord', '{data_dir}/result2.tfrecord', etc. num_parallel_workers (int): The number of concurrent workers. Default: None. shuffle (Union[bool, Shuffle level], optional): Perform reshuffling of the data every epoch (default=Shuffle.GLOBAL). If shuffle is False, no shuffling will be performed; If shuffle is True, the behavior is the same as setting shuffle to be Shuffle.GLOBAL Otherwise, there are two levels of shuffling: - Shuffle.GLOBAL: Shuffle both the files and samples. - Shuffle.FILES: Shuffle files only. schema (Union[str, Schema], optional): Path to the JSON schema file or schema object (default=None). If the schema is not provided, the meta data from the TFData file is considered the schema. Examples: >>> from import BertDataset >>> >>> bert_ds = BertDataset('data') """ def __init__(self, data_dir, schema_dir=None, shuffle=True, num_parallel_workers=None): files = os.listdir(data_dir) self.data_files = [] for file_name in files: if "tfrecord" in file_name: self.data_files.append(os.path.join(data_dir, file_name)) self.data_set = TFRecordDataset(self.data_files, schema_dir if schema_dir != "" else None, columns_list=["input_ids", "input_mask", "segment_ids", "next_sentence_labels", "masked_lm_positions", "masked_lm_ids", "masked_lm_weights"], shuffle=shuffle, shard_equal_rows=True, num_parallel_workers=num_parallel_workers)
[docs]class ImdbDataset: """ parse aclImdb data to features and labels. sentence->tokenized->encoded->padding->features Args: imdb_path (str): The path where the aclImdb dataset stored. glove_path (str): The path where the GloVe stored. embed_size (int): Embed_size. Default: 300. Examples: >>> from import ImdbDataset >>> >>> imdb_ds = ImdbDataset('./aclImdb', './glove') """ def __init__(self, imdb_path, glove_path, embed_size=300): self.__segs = ['train', 'test'] self.__label_dic = {'pos': 1, 'neg': 0} self.__imdb_path = imdb_path self.__glove_dim = embed_size self.__glove_file = os.path.join(glove_path, 'glove.6B.' + str(self.__glove_dim) + 'd.txt') # properties self.__imdb_datas = {} self.__features = {} self.__labels = {} self.__vacab = {} self.__word2idx = {} self.__weight_np = {} self.__wvmodel = None self.parse()
[docs] def parse(self): """ parse imdb data to memory """ self.__wvmodel = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(self.__glove_file, binary=False) for seg in self.__segs: self.__parse_imdb_datas(seg) self.__parse_features_and_labels(seg) self.__gen_weight_np(seg)
def __parse_imdb_datas(self, seg): """ load data from txt """ data_lists = [] for label_name, label_id in self.__label_dic.items(): sentence_dir = os.path.join(self.__imdb_path, seg, label_name) for file in os.listdir(sentence_dir): with open(os.path.join(sentence_dir, file), mode='r', encoding='utf8') as f: sentence ='\n', '') data_lists.append([sentence, label_id]) self.__imdb_datas[seg] = data_lists def __parse_features_and_labels(self, seg): """ parse features and labels """ features = [] labels = [] for sentence, label in self.__imdb_datas[seg]: features.append(sentence) labels.append(label) self.__features[seg] = features self.__labels[seg] = labels # update feature to tokenized self.__updata_features_to_tokenized(seg) # parse vacab self.__parse_vacab(seg) # encode feature self.__encode_features(seg) # padding feature self.__padding_features(seg) def __updata_features_to_tokenized(self, seg): tokenized_features = [] for sentence in self.__features[seg]: tokenized_sentence = [word.lower() for word in sentence.split(" ")] tokenized_features.append(tokenized_sentence) self.__features[seg] = tokenized_features def __parse_vacab(self, seg): # vocab tokenized_features = self.__features[seg] vocab = set(chain(*tokenized_features)) self.__vacab[seg] = vocab # word_to_idx looks like {'hello': 1, 'world':111, ... '<unk>': 0} word_to_idx = {word: i + 1 for i, word in enumerate(vocab)} word_to_idx['<unk>'] = 0 self.__word2idx[seg] = word_to_idx def __encode_features(self, seg): """ encode word to index """ word_to_idx = self.__word2idx['train'] encoded_features = [] for tokenized_sentence in self.__features[seg]: encoded_sentence = [] for word in tokenized_sentence: encoded_sentence.append(word_to_idx.get(word, 0)) encoded_features.append(encoded_sentence) self.__features[seg] = encoded_features def __padding_features(self, seg, maxlen=500, pad=0): """ pad all features to the same length """ padded_features = [] for feature in self.__features[seg]: if len(feature) >= maxlen: padded_feature = feature[:maxlen] else: padded_feature = feature while len(padded_feature) < maxlen: padded_feature.append(pad) padded_features.append(padded_feature) self.__features[seg] = padded_features def __gen_weight_np(self, seg): """ generate weight by gensim """ weight_np = np.zeros((len(self.__word2idx[seg]), self.__glove_dim), dtype=np.float32) for word, idx in self.__word2idx[seg].items(): if word not in self.__wvmodel: continue word_vector = self.__wvmodel.get_vector(word) weight_np[idx, :] = word_vector self.__weight_np[seg] = weight_np
[docs] def get_datas(self, seg): """ get features, labels, and weight by gensim. """ features = np.array(self.__features[seg]).astype(np.int32) labels = np.array(self.__labels[seg]).astype(np.int32) weight = np.array(self.__weight_np[seg]) return features, labels, weight
[docs] def convert_to_mindrecord(self, preprocess_path, shard_num=1): """ convert imdb dataset to mindrecoed dataset """ if not os.path.exists(preprocess_path): print(f"preprocess path {preprocess_path} is not exist") os.makedirs(preprocess_path) train_features, train_labels, train_weight_np = self.get_datas('train') self._convert_to_mindrecord(preprocess_path, train_features, train_labels, train_weight_np, shard_num=shard_num) test_features, test_labels, _ = self.get_datas('test') self._convert_to_mindrecord(preprocess_path, test_features, test_labels, training=False, shard_num=shard_num)
def _convert_to_mindrecord(self, data_home, features, labels, weight_np=None, training=True, shard_num=1): """ convert imdb dataset to mindrecoed dataset """ if weight_np is not None: np.savetxt(os.path.join(data_home, 'weight.txt'), weight_np) # write mindrecord schema_json = {"id": {"type": "int32"}, "label": {"type": "int32"}, "feature": {"type": "int32", "shape": [-1]}} data_dir = os.path.join(data_home, "aclImdb_train.mindrecord") if not training: data_dir = os.path.join(data_home, "aclImdb_test.mindrecord") def get_imdb_data(features, labels): data_list = [] for i, (label, feature) in enumerate(zip(labels, features)): data_json = {"id": i, "label": int(label), "feature": feature.reshape(-1)} data_list.append(data_json) return data_list writer = FileWriter(data_dir, shard_num=shard_num) data = get_imdb_data(features, labels) writer.add_schema(schema_json, "nlp_schema") writer.add_index(["id", "label"]) writer.write_raw_data(data) writer.commit()
[docs]class KaggleDisplayAdvertisingDataset: """ parse aclImdb data to features and labels. sentence->tokenized->encoded->padding->features Args: data_dir (str): The path where the uncompressed dataset stored. num_parallel_workers (int): The number of concurrent workers. Default: None. shuffle (bol): Whether the dataset needs to be shuffled. Default: True. Examples: >>> from import KaggleDisplayAdvertisingDataset >>> >>> kaggle_display_advertising_ds = KaggleDisplayAdvertisingDataset('data') >>> kaggle_display_advertising_ds.stats_data() >>> kaggle_display_advertising_ds.convert_to_mindrecord() >>> train_ds = kaggle_display_advertising_ds.load_mindreocrd_dataset(usage='train') >>> test_ds = kaggle_display_advertising_ds.load_mindreocrd_dataset(usage='test') """ def __init__(self, data_dir, num_parallel_workers=None, shuffle=True): self.data_dir = data_dir self.dense_dim = 13 self.slot_dim = 26 self.field_size = 39 # dense_dim + slot_dim self.skip_id_convert = False self.train_line_count = 45840617 self.test_size = 0.1 self.seed = 20191005 self.line_per_sample = 1000 self.epochs = 1 self.num_parallel_workers = num_parallel_workers self._check_num_parallel_workers() self.shuffle = shuffle self.__init_stats() self.__init_mindrecord() def __check_mindrecord_dir(self): if os.path.exists(self.mindrecord_dir): print("mindrecord directory: {} exists! we will use it to save or read mindrecord dataset.". format(self.mindrecord_dir), flush=True) else: print("create mindrecord directory: {} to save or read mindrecord dataset.". format(self.mindrecord_dir), flush=True) os.makedirs(self.mindrecord_dir) def _check_num_parallel_workers(self): # use multiprocessing to get cpu count import multiprocessing cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if self.num_parallel_workers is not None: if cpu_count < self.num_parallel_workers: raise ValueError("num_parallel_workers: {} is bigger than cpu count: {}!".format( self.num_parallel_workers, cpu_count)) def __check_stats_dict_dir(self): if os.path.exists(self.stats_dict_dir): print("stats dict directory: {} exists! we will use it to save or read stats dict.". format(self.stats_dict_dir), flush=True) else: print("create stats dict directory: {} to save or read stats dict.". format(self.stats_dict_dir), flush=True) os.makedirs(self.stats_dict_dir) def __init_mindrecord(self): """ init mindrecord """ self.mindrecord_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "mindrecord") self.__check_mindrecord_dir() def __init_stats(self): """ init stats values """ self.val_cols = ["val_{}".format(i + 1) for i in range(self.dense_dim)] self.cat_cols = ["cat_{}".format(i + 1) for i in range(self.slot_dim)] self.val_min_dict = {col: 0 for col in self.val_cols} self.val_max_dict = {col: 0 for col in self.val_cols} self.cat_count_dict = {col: collections.defaultdict(int) for col in self.cat_cols} self.oov_prefix = "OOV" self.cat2id_dict = {} self.cat2id_dict.update({col: i for i, col in enumerate(self.val_cols)}) self.cat2id_dict.update( {self.oov_prefix + col: i + len(self.val_cols) for i, col in enumerate(self.cat_cols)}) self.stats_dict_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "stats_dict/") self.__check_stats_dict_dir() def __stats_vals(self, val_list): """ handling weights column """ assert len(val_list) == len(self.val_cols) for i, val in enumerate(val_list): key = self.val_cols[i] if val != "": if float(val) > self.val_max_dict[key]: self.val_max_dict[key] = float(val) if float(val) < self.val_min_dict[key]: self.val_min_dict[key] = float(val) def __stats_cats(self, cat_list): """ handling cats column """ assert len(cat_list) == len(self.cat_cols) for i, cat in enumerate(cat_list): key = self.cat_cols[i] self.cat_count_dict[key][cat] += 1 def __save_stats_dict(self): """ save stats dict """ with open(os.path.join(self.stats_dict_dir, "val_max_dict.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.val_max_dict, f) with open(os.path.join(self.stats_dict_dir, "val_min_dict.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.val_min_dict, f) with open(os.path.join(self.stats_dict_dir, "cat_count_dict.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.cat_count_dict, f) def __load_stats_dict(self,): """ load stats dict """ with open(os.path.join(self.stats_dict_dir, "val_max_dict.pkl"), "rb") as f: self.val_max_dict = pickle.load(f) with open(os.path.join(self.stats_dict_dir, "val_min_dict.pkl"), "rb") as f: self.val_min_dict = pickle.load(f) with open(os.path.join(self.stats_dict_dir, "cat_count_dict.pkl"), "rb") as f: self.cat_count_dict = pickle.load(f) print("val_max_dict.items()[:50]:{}".format(list(self.val_max_dict.items())), flush=True) print("val_min_dict.items()[:50]:{}".format(list(self.val_min_dict.items())), flush=True) def __get_cat2id(self, threshold=100): for key, cat_count_d in self.cat_count_dict.items(): new_cat_count_d = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] > threshold, cat_count_d.items())) for cat_str, _ in new_cat_count_d.items(): self.cat2id_dict[key + "_" + cat_str] = len(self.cat2id_dict) print("cat2id_dict.size:{}".format(len(self.cat2id_dict)), flush=True) print("cat2id.dict.items()[:50]:{}".format(list(self.cat2id_dict.items())[:50]), flush=True) def __map_cat2id(self, values, cats): """ category value to id value """ id_list = [] weight_list = [] for i, val in enumerate(values): if val == "": id_list.append(i) weight_list.append(0) else: key = "val_{}".format(i + 1) id_list.append(self.cat2id_dict[key]) max_v = float(self.val_max_dict["val_{}".format(i + 1)]) minmax_scale_value = float(val) * 1.0 / max_v weight_list.append(minmax_scale_value) for i, cat_str in enumerate(cats): key = "cat_{}".format(i + 1) + "_" + cat_str if key in self.cat2id_dict: if self.skip_id_convert is True: # For the synthetic data, if the generated id is between [0, max_vcoab], but the num examples is l # ess than vocab_size/ slot_nums the id will still be converted to [0, real_vocab], where real_vocab # the actually the vocab size, rather than the max_vocab. So a simple way to alleviate this # problem is skip the id convert, regarding the synthetic data id as the final id. id_list.append(cat_str) else: id_list.append(self.cat2id_dict[key]) else: id_list.append(self.cat2id_dict[self.oov_prefix + "cat_{}".format(i + 1)]) weight_list.append(1.0) return id_list, weight_list
[docs] def stats_data(self): """ stats data """ num_splits = self.dense_dim + self.slot_dim + 1 error_stat_lines_num = [] train_file_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "train.txt") with, encoding="utf8", buffering=32*1024*1024) as f: t_f = tqdm(f, total=self.train_line_count) t_f.set_description("Processing StatsData") num_line = 0 for line in t_f: num_line += 1 line = line.strip("\n") items = line.split("\t") if len(items) != num_splits: error_stat_lines_num.append(num_line) # print("Found line length: {}, suppose to be {}, the line is {}".format( # len(items), num_splits, line)) continue # if num_line % 1000000 == 0: # print("Have handled {}w lines.".format(num_line // 10000)) values = items[1: self.dense_dim + 1] cats = items[self.dense_dim + 1:] assert len(values) == self.dense_dim, "values.size: {}".format(len(values)) assert len(cats) == self.slot_dim, "cats.size: {}".format(len(cats)) self.__stats_vals(values) self.__stats_cats(cats) self.__save_stats_dict() error_stat_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "error_stat_lines_num.npy"), error_stat_lines_num)
def convert_to_mindrecord(self): test_size = int(self.train_line_count * self.test_size) all_indices = [i for i in range(self.train_line_count)] np.random.seed(self.seed) np.random.shuffle(all_indices) test_indices_set = set(all_indices[:test_size]) train_data_list = [] test_data_list = [] ids_list = [] wts_list = [] label_list = [] schema = { "label": {"type": "float32", "shape": [-1]}, "feat_vals": {"type": "float32", "shape": [-1]}, "feat_ids": {"type": "int32", "shape": [-1]} } train_writer = FileWriter(os.path.join(self.mindrecord_dir, "train_input_part.mindrecord"), 21) test_writer = FileWriter(os.path.join(self.mindrecord_dir, "test_input_part.mindrecord"), 3) train_writer.add_schema(schema, "CRITEO_TRAIN") test_writer.add_schema(schema, "CRITEO_TEST") part_rows = 2000000 num_splits = self.dense_dim + self.slot_dim + 1 error_conv_lines_num = [] train_file_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "train.txt") with, encoding="utf8", buffering=32*1024*1024) as f: t_f = tqdm(f, total=self.train_line_count) t_f.set_description("Processing Convert2MR") num_line = 0 train_part_number = 0 test_part_number = 0 for line in t_f: num_line += 1 # if num_line % 1000000 == 0: # print("Converting to MindRecord. Have handle {}w lines.".format(num_line // 10000), flush=True) line = line.strip("\n") items = line.split("\t") if len(items) != num_splits: error_conv_lines_num.append(num_line) continue label = float(items[0]) values = items[1: 1 + self.dense_dim] cats = items[1+self.dense_dim:] assert len(values) == self.dense_dim, "values.size: {}".format(len(values)) assert len(cats) == self.slot_dim, "cats.size: {}".format(len(cats)) ids, wts = self.__map_cat2id(values, cats) ids_list.extend(ids) wts_list.extend(wts) label_list.append(label) if num_line % self.line_per_sample == 0: if num_line not in test_indices_set: train_data_list.append({"feat_ids": np.array(ids_list, dtype=np.int32), "feat_vals": np.array(wts_list, dtype=np.float32), "label": np.array(label_list, dtype=np.float32) }) else: test_data_list.append({"feat_ids": np.array(ids_list, dtype=np.int32), "feat_vals": np.array(wts_list, dtype=np.float32), "label": np.array(label_list, dtype=np.float32) }) if train_data_list and len(train_data_list) % part_rows == 0: train_writer.write_raw_data(train_data_list) train_data_list.clear() train_part_number += 1 if test_data_list and len(test_data_list) % part_rows == 0: test_writer.write_raw_data(test_data_list) test_data_list.clear() test_part_number += 1 ids_list.clear() wts_list.clear() label_list.clear() if train_data_list: train_writer.write_raw_data(train_data_list) if test_data_list: test_writer.write_raw_data(test_data_list) train_writer.commit() test_writer.commit() error_stat_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "error_conv_lines_num.npy"), error_conv_lines_num)
[docs] def load_mindreocrd_dataset(self, usage='train', batch_size=1000): """ load mindrecord dataset. Args: usage (str): Dataset mode. Default: 'train'. batch_size (int): batch size. Default: 1000. Returns: MindDataset """ if usage == 'train': train_mode = True else: train_mode = False prefix_file_name = 'train_input_part.mindrecord' if train_mode else 'test_input_part.mindrecord' suffix_file_name = '00' if train_mode else '0' dataset_path = os.path.join(self.mindrecord_dir, prefix_file_name + suffix_file_name) dataset = MindDataset(dataset_path, columns_list=['feat_ids', 'feat_vals', 'label'], num_parallel_workers=self.num_parallel_workers, shuffle=self.shuffle, num_shards=None, shard_id=None) dataset = dataset.batch(int(batch_size / self.line_per_sample), drop_remainder=True) dataset = x, y, z: (np.array(x).flatten().reshape(batch_size, 39), np.array(y).flatten().reshape(batch_size, 39), np.array(z).flatten().reshape(batch_size, 1))), input_columns=['feat_ids', 'feat_vals', 'label'], column_order=['feat_ids', 'feat_vals', 'label'], num_parallel_workers=self.num_parallel_workers) dataset = dataset.repeat(self.epochs) return dataset
[docs]class DistributedSampler: """ Distributed sampler. Args: dataset_size (int): Dataset list length num_replicas (int): Replicas num. rank (int): Device rank. shuffle (bool): Whether the dataset needs to be shuffled. Default: True. Returns: DistributedSampler instance. """ def __init__(self, dataset_size, num_replicas=None, rank=None, shuffle=True): if num_replicas is None: print("***********Setting world_size to 1 since it is not passed in ******************") num_replicas = 1 if rank is None: print("***********Setting rank to 0 since it is not passed in ******************") rank = 0 self.dataset_size = dataset_size self.num_replicas = num_replicas self.rank = rank self.epoch = 0 self.num_samples = int(math.ceil(dataset_size * 1.0 / self.num_replicas)) self.total_size = self.num_samples * self.num_replicas self.shuffle = shuffle def __iter__(self): # deterministically shuffle based on epoch if self.shuffle: indices = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.epoch).permutation(self.dataset_size) # np.array type. number from 0 to len(dataset_size)-1, used as index of dataset indices = indices.tolist() self.epoch += 1 # change to list type else: indices = list(range(self.dataset_size)) # add extra samples to make it evenly divisible indices += indices[:(self.total_size - len(indices))] assert len(indices) == self.total_size # subsample indices = indices[self.rank:self.total_size:self.num_replicas] assert len(indices) == self.num_samples return iter(indices) def __len__(self): return self.num_samples